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While I was researching Yoga Nidra, I came across mention of Swami Rama and the Menninger Clinic studies. As I was looking into more info about him, I was disheartened to read about the relationships he carried on with his female students (and the sexual misconduct for which he was convicted).

Of course, this isn’t entirely uncommon. The American yoga celebrity guru, Rodney Yee, got in trouble for similar situations. Sadly, this all occurred even as he’d written an article with his wife on how yoga was keeping his marriage strong.

Many Codes of Conduct for different yoga alliances and associations address this situation. It’s strange because I feel really betrayed when I hear about such things- Even without having been or even personally known a student who has fallen into such a situation.

This additional article mentions Yee’s situation as well . . . More importantly, it brings up the yamas and their extreme relevance: Compromising positions

In my opinion, you’re not a yoga instructor if you are not keeping in harmony with the whole philosophy. You can master all the moves, but if your true emphasis is not to achieve unity between all parts of yourself and the universe, then that isn’t enough to be considered a guru.